What is Gout: Treatments, Supplements, Home Remedies

What is Gout?
Gout is an ailment that's been around for centuries. It affects all ages and genders, though it's been shown to affect men more than women.
Gout causes swelling and joint pain with most episodes of Gout affecting a person's big toe. It's been known to hit other areas of the body as well, such as the hands, knees, or ankles.
This swelling and joint pain can be debilitating for those affected by the condition. Episodes of Gout can be quite severe. It's considered a rheumatic condition because the common reason for Gout is an excess of uric acid in the body that wasn't able to be filtered out by the kidneys.
Luckily, Gout is a treatable and manageable condition. As a matter of fact, it's the most treatable rheumatic condition out there.
Symptoms of Gout
Gout is known to occur in episodes. The symptoms are dormant and then manifest without warning. These episodes of Gout are most common in the big toe, and any physical contact with the toe results in immense pain.
There's a bit of a slow build-up to an episode of Gout, and it's noticeable as one's toes or joints begin to swell. This swelling appears like an infection is developing. It will also come across as a warm/hot sensation at the joint which is a good indicator of an episode kicking in.
Urate or Calcium crystals commonly cause this inflammation in the joint, which is also why it inflames and is painful if moved. These crystals can collect under the skin as well and show as small white pimples appearing on the joint and surrounding area.
If an episode of Gout occurs in many areas, it is known as polyarticular Gout.
As mentioned earlier, treating Gout is very successful.
Treating episodes of Gout involves minimizing the symptoms when it happens. This is usually done using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicine, and steroids.
Which one is used comes down to the individual effectiveness of each drug and is case-by-case. Some work better with certain individuals. At the start, most people experiment with all three and eventual hone in on one drug, in particular, that's proven to be effective for them.
We'll go over these three drugs in detail below:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAID tablets are effective in treating episodes of Gout. They are quit to relieving the joint pain and in reducing the inflammation. Examples of NSAID are Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and Diclofenac.
NSAIDs aren't long term treatment plans and are more there to help manage symptoms. They also have nasty side effects on one's digestive system and so are recommended to only be used if an episode is imminent.
Take NSAIDs close to an episode to minimize the symptoms that come with Gout.
Colchicine has been proven to help reduce inflammation caused by the build-up of urate crystals in the joint.
They are not painkillers and often have adverse reactions with other chronic disease medications such as statins used to manage high cholesterol. As a result, NSAIDs are recommended, and if not effective, then colchicine is used. Colchicine also comes side effects such as diarrhea or stomach aches.
Steroids are considered the last option in the treatment of gout episodes as they come with a myriad of side effects.
Either ingested as tablets or injected into the joint area, steroids can help reduce inflammation and minimize both the pain and swelling that comes with Gout. They do however come with side effects such as severe acne, hair loss, and increase your chances of kidney or liver disease.
Supplements & Home Remedies
There are many supplements and home remedies one can take to manage their gout condition as well as episodes.
Applying cold towels to inflamed areas
The easiest way to treat an episode of Gout is to apply a wet, cold towel into inflamed areas. Ice packs or frozen pea bags also work! This will help reduce swelling and tone down the inflammation.
Uric Acid Complex
Uric acid complex is a supplement also very useful in helping reduce symptoms of Gout and treating the condition long term. This supplement has antioxidant properties that help in reducing inflammation and swelling. Antioxidant compounds in the complex also help remove the buildup of uric acid in the body that can treat Gout. It's recommended to have two capsules a day with a meal to help in treating Gout. At New Day Health, we offer a Uric Acid Herbal Blend Formula in the form of supplements that you can take easily, and at any time. We are committed to helping people in their pursuit for good health by offering the finest immune support products available. Our products are guaranteed to really work, and for this reason, we provide our customers with 100% satisfaction guarantee return policy.
Magnesium is an effective supplement in helping manage Gout. It helps reduce inflammations and the stress this causes on the body. Studies have also proven the magnesium results in lower levels of uric acid in the body, which in turn should minimize Gout.
Gout patients commonly take hibiscus as a natural herbal remedy. It's used to treat Gout by being mixed in with regular food or drinks and ingested. Hibiscus helps lower uric acid levels in the body and can help minimize the chances of gout episodes happening.
Apple cider vinegar, turmeric, and lemon juice mixed with warm water
Boosting the performance of one's kidneys also helps in alleviating Gout. Drinking a cocktail of apple cider vinegar, turmeric, and lemon juice with warm water helps to lower uric acid levels in the body by improving kidney function.
The recipe to whip up this concoction is to squeeze half a lemon, with two teaspoons of turmeric, and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix it all with warm water. Drink two to three times each day.
Celery Seeds
Celery has long been a remedy to help with urinary ailments. With Gout, the seeds when ingested are known to help reduce inflammation. It's even fine to consume regular celery sticks, juice, and even extract or supplements.
Bananas have been great for Gout due to their potassium rich nature. These help boost organ function such as with the kidneys that, in turn, remove more uric acid from the body effectively. The only downside to Bananas is the high sugar, which may trigger episodes of Gout. As a result, alternatives such as leafy greens or avocados also help.
Gout can be an exhausting condition to live with, but it's perfectly treatable and manageable. Eat right, exercise often, and utilize the supplements and home remedies we mentioned above to supplement any formal treatment plan from a doctor.